Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Chronicles of Irindia; Book One: The Gatherer by D. John Watson


The Chronicles of Irindia; Book One: The Gatherer 


D. John Watson 


The Chronicles of Irindia, Book One


YA Fantasy 


This work is written for those who have a love of fantasy as I do.  this is a book for for anyone who loved the Lord of the Rings and the Inheritance Cycle.

Book Description

There is another world, parallel to ours, that is in desperate need of a hero. Dark forces are trying to take control of a powerful tool, a gateway that will change the face of that world, and ours. Lord Draga will stop at nothing to bring his Master into the world. The only thing standing between him and his goal is the strong will of the young Empress Alassa. Lord Draga cannot take the gateway by force, it must be relinquished voluntarily. Draga has destroyed whole villages in his pursuit of the gateway. How long will Alassa hold out if the last surviving member of her family is in danger? But there is a prophecy, a prophecy that says a savior will come and defeat the evil taking over Irindia.

David Sanchez is like any other normal 13 year old boy. He likes sports, video games, and hanging out with his friends. His father has taken a new job that has moved them 1500 miles from everything David knows and loves. His sister has stayed behind to attend college and his friends are gone, David thinks his life will never be the same again. He doesn't know how right he is. He is unaware of the way his life will change when he makes a silent wish, a selfish wish, because he is angry.

Excerpt from The Chronicles of Irindia

“You will never have control,” she’d told him, calling up all the strength she had in her as she turned a white face from the smudge that had been a trusted advisor.

“Regrettably, you have obligated me to take the city by force,” he’d told her coldly, and she could tell there was no real disappointment in his tone. “Those who die today will do so because you decreed it.  Their deaths are on your head.”

Her armies had fired volley after volley into the ranks of the invading force.  The sky was dark with arrows, and lit by passing balls of flaming pitch, which tore through the ranks of the invaders.  The glow from the many fires outside the walls of the city drove back the darkness after sunset so that the battle continued in an eerie orange glow.  In the early morning the first of the walls had been breached and Alassa knew the city was lost, and with it, her land.  But she could not, would not fully surrender control of the mirror to him, and without the mirror he couldn’t fully control Irindia as he had controlled the western territories that he’d plagued for so long.  Without that surrender, her life was spared.  The gateway he sought had to be given willingly.  That was something she was unprepared to do, no matter the cost.

The following day saw her defending armies driven further back.  Many broke and ran under the onslaught of the demons that now moved with ferocity through the streets in the First Ward.  By midday the second of the three walls was breached, and terror filled the Second Ward.  By dusk, the palace itself was under siege, with the last few defenders struggling to prevent Draga’s warriors from getting through.  It was an ultimately futile hope, and by nightfall the palace itself had fallen.  Draga marched inside once more.  This time it was as the conqueror, not as a guest.

Interested? Well what are you waiting for? Pick up a copy today and start your adventure!

as an eBook on Kindle
as an eBook on Smashwords
as a Paperback on Amazon

If you would like to follow this author, we've got you covered! Here's all their little hiding spots. :)

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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you and it feels really cool to be here.

  2. The story sounds compelling and the book cover is awesome! Hi, nice to meet you.... Dawn from Fantasy Writers Group.

  3. Thank you, there is a full site with a lot more to offer at irindiaonline.com.


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